Out-of-hours emergency dental care
We are part of the Waterside Dental Rota, a group of independent practices that collaborate to provide emergency dental care for our registered patients at weekends and public holidays.
Please telephone 028 777 41780 and listen carefully to the recorded message which will give details of contact numbers of the practice on call.
This is a limited service to urgent and emergency dental conditions which cannot wait until normal opening hours:
Severe spreading infection including facial swelling
Severe, uncontrollable pain
Dental trauma in which a significant portion of a front tooth has been damaged as a result of trauma (contact sports, trips, falls, assaults)
Uncontrollable bleeding from a recently extracted tooth
It is recommended that you contact the emergency dentist before 10am and ensure you bring proof of entitlement to free dental treatment and your Healthcare number to avail of NHS fees for emergency appointments.
If you do not bring your H&C Number then you may be liable to pay private charges for emergency appointments and associated treatment.